We use the hop project moniker to try out some new hops that come our way on occasion. It’s been a little while since we’ve gotten to play with something experimental, but we recently got our hands on a box of “EXP07270” which we were told has a flavor profile of ‘spicy, resinous, and tangerine’. True to form, we threw caution to the wind and decided to brew an amber wheat beer, fermented with our Belgian yeast, and then dry hop it with EXP07270. Just to complicate things further, we threw in a bit of Huell Melon hops as well to give a little more complexity to the flavor and aroma profile.
The resulting beer has a nice banana and slight bubblegum overtone with a nice citrus punch that we thought was more like Lime and Peach when we tasted the final beer. There is a distinct herbal character to the aroma as well, which gives a nice contrast to the fruitiness that is imparted by the Belgian Yeast and hops.
Malts: Pilsner, White Wheat, Red Wheat, C120, Midnight Wheat
Hops: Saaz, Huell Melon, EXP07270
4.3% ABV